Tuesday, January 15, 2013

“I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.”

Last night I was sitting and watching the Kevin Smith film "Burn In Hell", which I had seen before and never really gave much thought to it. I watched it again now, a few months later and this movie really spoke to me and made me want to get up off my ass and do something. For the first time in my life I feel compelled to "make art" as Kevin would say. This morning I woke up and thought how can I make art, what would be the best way for me to share what is going on inside my head, the first thing that came to mind was blogging. So, here I sit starting one of my first blogs since having a livejournal as a teenager. What all of this comes down to is that I don't want to die screaming, I never want to think at the end of my life that I never lived life to the fullest and that I never used every outlet I could to express myself.

I am doing this blog, making this art, for myself and if people find it interesting and want to read along and comment too that is great also.  
I want to leave this for my son who can read this when he gets older and know what was going through my head and what I really believe in. I hope to teach him as he gets older to be passionate about the things and causes that he holds dear to his heart. I want to teach him how to express himself in a positive way and maybe even make a difference while doing it. I want to leave a journal of sorts that he can go back and read can be proud of me.  With the start of the new year I really want to challenge myself to truly express myself honestly while growing and learning from my experiences. They always say that the first step is always the hardest, well this is my first step to doing what I love and to have a document of it along the way. 

Kevin Smith also talks about inspiring people with your words and giving others the words sometimes that they cannot express themselves. I want to be able to inspire people and give them the words that they may not be able to express themselves. I hope by sharing my thoughts I can get people to think about issues and find something that they really feel strongly about. Everyone who reads this blog may not agree with everything I say and that is completely ok, as long as it gets people to think about the world and their place in it. Comments, good or bad, are always appreciated because I like the feedback and sometimes a good healthy debate keeps me on my toes. 

So here is to a new start with no shoulda. woulda, coulda's. 


Quote of the day:
“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.”
― Ansel Adams